Prophets, Politics & Prayer
There is a collection of books found in the Bible that has both a personal and cultural relevance for us today, in addition to a powerful, spiritual message. These books are called the Minor Prophets. When we study the Minor Prophets, we are not just looking at ancient times and old sermons; we are reading the revelation of God! The Minor Prophets provide us with a foundation for our hope. Hope is not wishful thinking; it is confidence built on evidence. And the confidence we need for our lives today can only be found in the evidence of what the Bible tells us about who God is, what God is like, what God does, and how we can know Him.
The Search for Satisfaction
Everyday, people everywhere seek to fill the “space bar” of their lives with random, yet routine searches to find satisfaction. Long before Google and its counterparts, the oldest and most tireless of all search engines was the human heart. For many, the result is still the same today—No matches found. But life doesn’t have to be a search; it can be a discovery! With Solomon’s wisdom and a life journal as our guide, we’ll endeavor to seek the truth and uncover the secrets of the age-old quest: finding true satisfaction.
The Life You Were Born to Give
Everything we have, we have been given.” Once we realize the truth of this statement, we can look beyond just existing through life to “outsourcing” our lives for the glory of God.
Based on the book of Romans:
Section 1: A Life Delivered (Romans 1-11)
Section 2: A Life Devoted (Romans 12:1-2)
Section 3: A Life Distributed (Romans 12-16)
Nelson’s Annual Preacher Sourcebook II
O.S. Hawkins, Editor
The editors desire in this volume is to come to the aid of the busy pastor and help to provide resources for him as he prepares to ‘divide the Word of truth’ to and for his people. It is not intended to take the place of the labor of study… This sourcebook is here to lay alongside your own tools to enable you to take this information and filter it through your own personality and the windows of your own person illustrations to exalt the Savior, encourage the saints, and evangelize the sinners.” -Dr. O.S. Hawkins, General Editor
Directions: Daily Devotions for Your Journey
By 27 Teaching Pastors
Everyday life is a journey with new roads and unexpected decisions to make. It’s easy to get lost on this journey when you don’t have the right directions. Far too many people start going through their day without a road map…then they’re shocked where they end up. <em>Directions</em> was written to offer daily devotions for your journey–a daily time for looking at the road signs God has put before you…rather than simply being pulled down the road by the trafic around you.
In Remembrance of Me
By Dr. Jim Henry
How should Christians celebrate the Lord’s Supper? Under what circumstances? And how often? In this comprehensive study, Dr. Jim Henry explores the biblical basis for communion, outlines the details of the ceremony from start to finish, and helps restore the Lord’s Supper to its rightful place of importance. A valuable manual for pastors and lay leaders!